Monday, January 6, 2014

What Just Happened to Michael Bay? (UPDATED)

UPDATE I: Bay has posted a brief response to the event on his personal site, in which he puts the blame on himself for stepping on the emcee's lines and confusing the teleprompter by doing so. He also reaffirms that "TRANSFORMERS 4" footage will be being used to promote the new TV technology on tour.

ORIGINAL POST: So. Michael Bay was the celebrity speaker (which is odd in itself, since he's not especially known for being a public speaker - for his own work or otherwise) for the reveal of Samsung's new big-ass "curved screen" HDTVs at CES a few minutes ago. Something went wrong, and... well, watch the video:

So... what's going on here? Anxiety? Panic-attack? I'm hardly an expert in that kind of thing, but this looks like something significantly more than just "the prompter broke so I'm out." even if that's what set it off. Did he take something? Forget to take something? Get some really terrible news moments before he had to go on? It's definitely uncomfortable - whether you like this guy or not, what most people still call "stage fright" can be the manifestation of real, serious problems for a lot of people that are often invisible to those around them - until they aren't.

This isn't (or, at least, doesn't appear to be) a case of karma catching up with a douchebag like fellow TRANSFORMERS alumn Shia LaBeouf's recent meltdown; this looks like something is "going on." Forget whatever I or anyone else thinks of his movies, I hope he's okay.

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