Thursday, February 21, 2013

Megan Fox is April O'Neil in Michael Bay's "TMNT."

According to Variety, the Michael Bay produced "TMNT" reboot (which is back on after shutting down production allegedly because of script-suckage) has found it's April O'Neil... and its Megan Fox.

Two things that are odd about this (other than Bay casting the way an Onion parody report would imagine him casting): 1. Fox and Bay were supposed to have had a major falling-out, so this is surprising; and 2. This indicates they've possibly changed their screenplay significantly - in the version I read before this was "delayed," April and Casey Jones (the new versions male lead, a direct expy of Sam Witwicky) was a recent High School graduate. Megan Fox is many things, but passable as a teenager ain't one of them.

Please feel free to continue telling me how absurd it is to pre-judge this movie in the comments, though.

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