Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Halfway There

So, the U.S. Supreme Court struck down the Defense of Marriage Act (one of the unfortunate "will THIS get you assholes off my fucking back?" toxic-compromise maneuvers of the Clinton era) in key areas, ruling that the Federal Government is Constitutionally prohibited from denying any federal benefits of marriage to same-sex couples married in states where such marriages are legal.

A big win, to be sure, and another step on the inevitable path to full equal marriage for all. But the court also stopped short of ruling one way or the other on a challenge to California's repeal of the gay marriage ban Proposition 8, finding the issue improperly brought before the court and punting it back to the state. So California gets to keep equal marriage... but for now, other states get to keep banning it. The DOMA provision allowing less-enlightened states to refuse to recognize marriages conducted in states with differing laws is also still in-effect; though that will almost-certainly fall on a separate challenge (for example: a military same-sex family is reassigned to a marriage-ban state sues to avoid losing multiple legal protections) either to this court or by the Justice Department.

This is a big, big step and should be recognized as such; but it's not a slam-dunk. The troubling thing about both this and the shameful gutting of the Voting Rights Act yesterday is that both give heavy credence to the prehistoric notion of "State's Rights" conservatism as envisioned by Bush II appointees John Roberts and Samuel Alito. As I've said elsewhere, "State's Rights" is a nice idea for small, local issues but for big broad-effect stuff has no functional place in a modern society of instant communication and coast-to-coast air travel;  and the nonsense we saw go down in the Texas legislature overnight is rather illustrative of that.

So, then, what we have now is a country once again divided between states where all citizens are equal and states where only some are equal; and the last time we were in that place it went pretty bad for all involved and really, really bad for the states/people who were on the wrong side of history. Hopefully it won't come to that - hopefully we've evolved in that regard, too.

Good Company


From Texas KXAN Local News (relevant part begins at 2:10)

Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Wendy Davis: American Hero (UPDATED)

UPDATE II: It is done. Thanks to he courageous efforts of Wendy Davis, her fellows Texas Democrats and a massive throng of supporters acting to shout-down Republicans and run out the clock, the SB5 bill that would have effectively banned abortion in Texas has been killed.

There are two kinds of people in the word: Thinkers and Believers. Tonight, the Thinkers were also the Fighters - and they won. Thanks to them (for now) no woman in Texas can be forced into a life she did not choose because of someone else's beliefs she may not share or subscribe to.

This was a massive victory for progress and for reason, driven by genuine grassroots, bottom-up, digital-age activism and good old fashioned popular-outrage... and it happened in Texas. Not DC. Not New York. Not Boston. Not LA. Not even Oregon. TEXAS. You think your angry Fox News watching uncles were feeling obsolete and panicky before? Now they know they can't even get away with this shit in Texas anymore.

UPDATE I: The live-stream has ended, it is well past midnight in Texas but it is still chaos in the Texas State Legislature - no one is sure exactly what has or has not happened...

Just under two hours before Wendy Davis' filibuster time would've needed to conclude, the Republican legislators mobilized a series of dubiously-relevant parliamentary maneuvers to shut her down - one relating to her need of a back-brace (and of a second person to help apply it) constituted breaking the "remain standing under your own power" rule regarding filibusters in Texas.

During the ensuing debate over this (during which time she remained standing) her fellow Democrats worked to use parliamentary shenanigans of their own to delay the vote past the 12:00am CST deadline. As the clock rolled over to 12:01, however, Republicans had already begun a roll-call as lead-in to a vote; interrupted constantly by deafening cheers and jeers from pro-choice protesters who had assembled in the gallery. As of 1:27am in Texas, NONE of the major U.S. cable news networks has opted to interupt their reruns of the previous evening's editorial programs to cover the story; but at it's height 160,000 people were watching it unfold on internet livestream.

The situation as of right now is thus: The timestamp on the "official" (according to Republicans) vote is AFTER Midnight, meaning that legally it should be invalid. Republicans are (supposedly) claiming that allowable time can be/was extended because of the interruptions from the crowd. Democrats are (apparently) saying that the law does not afford that option - others are offering screenshots claiming that Republicans physically changed the timestamp from illegal to legal - and they will challenge any attempt to enshrine it as such when business officially re-opens.

In other words: This fight is going to continue, and will likely wind up either in the courts, under review of the Justice Department or both. Some serious shit went down here - and it was watched (and make no mistake captured) live on the web by hundreds of thousands. This is going to get ugly, interesting and will likely not be resolved anytime soon.


There are, fundamentally, two kinds of people in the world: Thinkers and Believers.* Thinkers may not have all the solutions, but in the modern world Believers cause almost all of the problems. Today, Thinkers have a heroine in Texas State Senator Wendy Davis.

Background: Right-wing anti-abortion zealots (but I repeat myself) in Texas have used legislative control of the state government (because there's nothing "States Rights!!!!"-absolutist conservatism can't destroy if it puts its mind to it) to push through a draconian bill that will effectively ban reproductive choice in the state. Republicans have an iron grip on the whole of the state's political machinery, and would be able to simply force this thing through save for one thing: A now seven-hour long and counting fillibuster by ONE Senator, Wendy Davis.

By law, so long as she remains standing (without even so much as leaning) and speaking and/or taking questions from fellow Democrat Senators until the end of the day, she can hold up the special legislative session and the bill will not be able to pass at this time. If she succeeds, it will have taken her 13 hours to do so. You can watch the livestream of this even HERE.

Earlier today, the U.S. Supreme Court decided to gut the most important Civil Rights legislation since Abolition because, in their view, enough time had passed that certain historically-problematic States no longer required the extra oversight of the federal government to keep them from pulling regressive bullshit in regards to Civil Rights. That this kind of bill can still happen, with only the arcane notion of a physical endurance test to stop it, should be illustration enough of just how disastrously wrong they were.

*Not that I should need to explain this again, but "Thinkers vs Believers" is not about religion or atheism. It's about an approach to the world - critical thinking, logic, reason, acknowledgment of reality and the primacy of science. There are plenty of Thinkers who are religious, and a great number of Believers who call themselves "atheists."

Big Picture: "Jawsome"

Because you demanded it, "Street Sharks."

On a day when the U.S. Supreme Court has essentially declared that state-level government-enforced racism at polling places is okay again; we could all use some silly cartoons in our lives...

Monday, June 24, 2013

Is "Jurassic Park 4" Just a Remake of "Jurassic Park?"

I've had a standing-policy about "Jurassic Park 4" for as long as "Jurassic Park 4" has been a possible thing: I will remain nominally positive about the idea of "Jurassic Park 4" up until the (inevitable) point where they decide - for the third fucking time - to waste one of the most potential-laden premises in modern scifi (an excuse for any dinosaur ever to show up anywhere in the world and cause mayhem) by just setting the whole damn thing on the island. Again.

Yes, we all loved the first movie, but why they seem to assume that it was the theme-park location and not the awesome fucking dinosaurs that made it so popular. We've seen the island (no, Part 2 technically being a different island doesn't matter) three times, once was enough, I wanna see a Triceratops stomping around a major city with one or more dudes impaled on his horns, or something similarly awesome.

So, anyway, Joblo thinks they have the basic plot details of the now-in-pre-production JP4; and not only are we back on Isla Nublar again... we're basically back in the first movie again:

According to Joblo's source, the big pitch this time is "what if the first movie had been BIGGER?" Set an unspecified number of years after Part 3, the main setting is supposedly a completed, open and fully-functioning Jurassic Park built on the site of the original. The rides are working, most of the animals have been tamed and it's a huge international tourist destination just like John Hammond had envisioned.

I'll admit: I'm morbidly curious to see this movie (or just read this script) to find out what kind of epic handwave is invoked to justify the idea of anyone re-starting Jurassic Park after everything that's already happened. Interestingly, it seems to borrow at least some basic DNA from John Sayles' infamous JP4 treatment featuring humanoid, weapon-toting dinosaur commandos as heroes: The action apparently involves a new strain of aggressive dinos causing trouble at the park and the use of "tamed" Velociraptors to resist them.

Maybe this is legit, maybe not, but what it does sound like is a disappointing mix of boring and dumb. Okay, fine, I got like 75% of what I've been hoping for out of a "Jurassic Park" sequel from "Dragon Wars;" but I'd still been hoping for more than this...

Friday, June 21, 2013

Escape to The Movies: "Monsters University"

Because nobody gives a shit about "World War Z." Nor should they.

Also, let's talk more about the XBox 180.

Unsubbed "Gatchaman" Trailer Hits

Here's a nifty Japanese trailer for the live-action film adaptation of 70s anime staple "Science Ninja Team Gatchaman," which U.S. fans may be more familiar with under the titles of "Battle of The Planets," "G-Force," or "Eagle Riders." Pic opens in Japan in August, no word on a U.S. distributor. New uniforms certainly look nifty, though they do kind of lose the "dressed-as-a-bird" angle. Interestingly, this comes to us from the director of "Grave of The Fireflies" and "Pom-Poko."

Thursday, June 20, 2013

SGC 2013: Day Zero

SGC hasn't even officially begun yet, but I've already gotten to meet lot's of great fans and colleagues. This is going to be a good one, I can feel it.

Regarding my book: I can happily announce that copies of "Super Mario Bros. 3: Brick-By-Brick" (available online soon exclusively from will be available for purchase at the ScrewAttack booth in the Dealer Room starting tomorrow (note: cash only). Some fans have already purchased copies from me "in the wild," and if you see me around lugging a briefcase or boxes chances are I've got some and I'd be happy to sell you a copy providing I have the cash onhand to make change; so please don't hesitate to ask.

In addition, I will hopefully be able to sell some copies (supply-contingent, obviously) before and after my panels and possibly also during the autograph session, so keep an eye out for that. I'll likely be re-stocking the booth as needed and to the degree that I am able (supplies are limited) so check back and watch my twitter feed (@the_moviebob) in the event of selling-out. The response to this has been overwhelmingly positive, and if it ends up that I simply didn't bring enough with me (again, online sales coming soon to well... there are worse problems for an author to have.

Stay tuned for updates, and if you're here for the con I look forward to seeing you later today :)

MovieBob's SGC Schedule

So here's where and when I'm scheduled to be places during SGC2013. I'm planning to always have copies of The Book on me for sale while I'm on the floor, though it also looks like it'll have some space at the ScrewAttack sales booth as well, and I'm looking to do some selling before/after my panels and during autograph sessions if at all possible; so those looking keep a look out.

FRIDAY 6/21:
2:00 PM Game OverThinker Autograph Session (Autograph Area Landmark B&C)
9:30 PM "OverThinking It" Panel with Matthew from GameTheory and others (Main Stage 2 Landmark D)

1:00 PM THE GAME OVERTHINKER RETURNS solo/Q&A panel (Main Stage 2 Landmark D)
7:30 PM Gaming On YouTube panel with GameTheory and others (Panel Room 3 Cumberland K&L)

SUNDAY 6/23:
Nothing officially scheduled, but you never know :)

Tuesday, June 18, 2013


By all rights, a movie based on a line of toys wherein the toys THEMSELVES not only star, but star alongside toy versions of other mass-market branded characters should be THE symbol for the final victory of creeping-corporatism in film.

And yet... "The Lego Movie" looks kind of incredible.

Animation buffs take note: What you're seeing is (apparently) all CGI, but animated in such a way (other than the facial-features) so as to imitate the look of stop-motion made using Lego people. I'm not 100% sure what this technique is called, but I think it's roughly similar to the way the Nicelanders were animated in "Wreck-It Ralph."

Big Picture: "Man of Tomorrow"

Spoilers, ho!

Sunday, June 16, 2013

"The Wolf of Wall Street" Trailer

Hard to believe, but in a few short months "Awards-Worthy (Studio) Movie Season" will be upon us. One of the incoming expected-biggies is Martin Scorsese's "The Wolf of Wall Street," in which Leonardo DiCaprio continues his quest to shame his peers by winning an Oscar while he still looks about 19 years old.

Pic is another "rise and fall of hard-partying late-90s capitalist douchebags" saga, this time based on the memoirs of Jordan Belfort, who got busted in '98 running athe crooked brokerage firm that also served as the inspiration for "Boiler Room," one of the brighter spots from that strange "Vin Diesel is going to be a serious actor - no, for real" phase the industry was going through at the time.

Anyway, here's a trailer:

Friday, June 14, 2013

The Book Is Imminent!

The first printing has been completed on my first book, "Super Mario Bros. 3: Brick By Brick." Very exciting.

The book will be available for sale online likely sometime in the coming week (exact date TBD) exclusively through (there will be an e-book version as well) although I will be bringing a limited number of physical copies to SGC next weekend to be sold in person (and signed, if that be your bag) pretty-much whenever I've got a free moment to do so and also during/after my designated panel/autograph times.

At this time, those are the only two ways to purchase the book currently slated, and unfortunately I am not able to ship/sell copies over the web myself. However, I'm also working on putting together some local sales-events here in the Boston area and will make the dates/locations of those available as I get them. If you happen to BE the proprietor of a Boston area gaming/book/etc establishment and are interested in discussing hosting a selling/signing event please hit me up in the comments below.

Escape to The Movies: "Man of Steel"

And here we go...

Also: What will probably end up being one of the year's best comedies is playing right now.

Thursday, June 13, 2013

Fuck Yes, "Elysium" Looks Even More Awesome

There are two Great Hopes for original Hollywood genre-movies this Summer. One is "Pacific Rim" (hey Warner Bros? Now that "Man of Steel" is out can we get a hundred trailers and constant TV-exposure for that?) and the other is Neil Blomkamp's "District 9" follow-up "Elysium;" which now has a full(er) trailer.

Premise: It's the future, and class has stratified to the point that a wealthy few live lives of disease, crime and pollution free bliss on an orbital space-station called Elysium while the working-class toils on an increasingly-blighted Earth below - kept from breaching into Elysium's borders (MESSAGE!!!) by ruthless space-defenses, a robot army and bionically-augmented human soldiers. Matt Damon is a worker bee from Earth who, after being mortally-injured in an industrial accident, gets outfitted with a strength-enhancing mechanical exoskeleton so he can fight his way into Elysium to snatch medical supplies for himself and his fellow-afflicted.

I love how this is shaping up. Blomkamp does the "looks plausible AND looks cool" school of scifi design better than almost anyone (gotta love how Henchman Number One is lugging around a Future Sword in a world crawling with automatic weapons), and the design of the robots and exoskeletons are awesome enough to sell me on this movie without the clever, possibly-incendiary setup - I want to see the guys with the power-suits (cosplayers to your soldering irons!) shoot and punch their way through those kill-bots yesterday.

So They Bothered To Finish The "300" Sequel

"300" is one of them "phenom" movies that was absolutely huge for a moment in time and now feels like kind of a weird "why exactly were we all so hot for this?" footnote, so I'm not sure what kind of audience is waiting for a sequel. But they went and made one anyway, and now it has a trailer.

The actual plot of this one hasn't been widely disseminated (largely because, again, nobody really seems to care) but from what has been said and from what this trailer reveals (new additions include boats and the color blue) it's likely that they're attempting a larger focus than the tightly-contained original; likely focusing both on the battles of Artemesium and Salamis (naval engagements taking place during and after Thermopylae from the first movie) and apparently also the Battle of Marathon.

Rodrigo Santoro is back as Xerxes (the film will also feature extended flashbacks to the God-King's origin story) as are Lena Heady, David Wenham and Andrew Tiernan as Ephialtes. Our principal New Hotness is Eva Green as Queen Artemisia, commander of the Persian-allied naval forces.

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

CONFIRMED: This Is Captain America's (Shitty) New Uniform

Well. So much for that, then.

It's basically the "Steve Rogers: Super Soldier" outfit from the brief overlap between "Bucky is Cap now" and "Steve is alive again" from a few years ago (which was in tern an in-joke homage to Jack Kirby's Cap-parody "The Fighting American")  but with a cowl and shield added. And yes - it's the lack of stripes that does it. It's not like dropping the yellow oval from the Bat-symbol; the stripes (or at the very least a healthy amount of red and white to go with all the blue) are effectively Cap's "trademark," the only thing that keeps him from just looking like a Power Ranger who's missing a bunch of his mask. This is taking Superman's "S" shield away.

These things aren't really "all important" when you get right down to it (as I've said many times before, Batman has never once had a good-looking outfit in live-action and it didn't stop his movies/TV shows from averaging out pretty decently) but it's a bummer all the same. I'm pretty sure this is the first time I've seen a character-design from a Marvel Studios project and just completely hated it top-to-bottom, and it stings doubly-much given just how excellent Cap looked in both appearances so far. Doesn't really mean anything regarding "The Winter Soldier's" overall quality, again... but still disappointing (and I bet Phil isn't a fan, either...)

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

"Hobbit 2" Features Legolas, Smaug, Barrel-Riding

It is going to be so weird if Orlando Bloom and Other Orlando Bloom Luke Evans have any scenes together...

Yes, there are Czech subtitles. It's the first version I found. Welcome to a global economy.

Memo to all would-be humorists: "Calling" that The Barrel Scene would be turned into a big, elaborate action-sequence in this doesn't qualify as especially prescient. Dial back the snark and enjoy your big-ass dragon.

Big Picture: "Superman Revisited"

I don't see "Man of Steel" until later tonight. Stop asking.

Until then, here's Superman.

Friday, June 7, 2013

Bad Lieutenant: Scotland Edition

Below, the trailer for "Filth," featuring James McAvoy as a super-corrupt police detective doing the debauched mutually-destructive sex/drugs/violence thing all over Edinburgh. Looks amazing (I'm told the Irvine Welsh novel it's based on is similarly excellent.)

Escape to The Movies: "The Purge"

Everything sucks.

No, really.

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Cetaceans Are Jerks

You know I'm a big fan of the classic Killer Whale Murder Spree flick "Orca," and you ought to be as well. Now, here's a trailer for "Blackfish," a documentary about Tilikum, whom you may or may not remember as the captive Orca blamed for the killings of three Sea World employees - the most recent of which was the attack/drowning of a trainer that happened in front of spectators. The trailer is cut like a Shocking! Expose! thing about a serial-killer cover-up, and I kind of hope that sort of sleazy/sordid "True Crime Stories" energy informs the film itself.

The Hills Are Alive

That "Lifetime" is allowed to still go around billing itself as "Television For Women" when it's output is almost-exclusively Hallmark treacle, reality TV flotsam and tabloid sleaze is something that someone should really organize a march against. Until then, let's all "enjoy" this trailer for their next big celebrity biopic, "The Anna Nicole Story;" with Agnes Bruckner in the title role and a torch-song version of "Fame" lilting over the soundtrack.

Wow. Do you have any idea how bad a movie has to be to look like it's not going to do "justice" to the life-story of Anna Nicole Smith?

I think my favorite part is her kid standing there crestfallen when he accidentally sees Anna dry-humping a ladyfriend in an elevator. Yeah, I'm sure that was the most horrifying thing that went down in his upbringing. Depressingly, the director on this was Mary Harron; the once-promising helmer of "American Psycho."

Big Picture: "Boy's Own Adventure"

The things we get worked up about...

Origin Story

The clock keeps ticking down to the release of "Man of Steel." I'm not slated to see it until the week it comes out (at least so far,) but it's been shown to the NY/LA junket press and there are supposedly sneaks happening around starting this week. So far, nobody I know or trust has given me a solid reaction one way or another, so... the waiting game continues.

While we wait, Warners has released this 13 minute "making of" piece to the web. Nothing in the way of new footage or plot details, but always interesting all the same. It doesn't do much to change the overall impression I've held since this ball got rolling: Looks really good, will almost-definitely do the job of making Superman "cool" in the eyes of the popular-culture again... but there's this omnipresent "moodiness" hanging over everything they've shown that can't help but make me worried that they somehow still. Managed. To. Not. GET. It.

If nothing else, I'm encouraged by the fact that Christopher Nolan has basically no presence in the piece. Sure, that's probably more of a scheduling thing, but I've maintained all along that he's completely wrong for a Superman project and if his role here really was just laying his "Director of The Dark Knight" blessing on the film and hanging back as a figurehead... fine by me. On the less-encouraging side, everything out of David Goyer's mouth in this makes me physically cringe, and it's his "reimagining" pitch that apparently made Nolan throw his weight behind this in the first place.

Just a pair of observations:

1. Pretty-much every single "new" version of Lois Lane get's talked up as "more proactive" than the previous; which is endlessly amusing if you have even cursory knowledge of the real history of these characters. Lois is the most well-known superhero love-interest, so people tend to imagine her as being the "useless shrieking damsel-in-distress" believed typical of the type - ignoring the idea that "unusually proactive, assertive and independent" has been the default for Lois since the beginning of the comics. Yes, she got captured by bad guys a lot... usually because she was going into dangerous places alone of her own volition rather than waiting for anyone else to nut up and do it.

2. I'm not going to say that working stuff like this out as part of establishing a cohesive design aesthetic is a "bad" approach, BUT... if you really are enough of a miserable party-pooper that the question of why an alien's costume has an "S" on it's chest will be the thing that would negate your enjoyment of a movie, you were never going to enjoy a Superman movie.

Saturday, June 1, 2013

Yikes, Bikes!

When the Wall Street Journal - one of America's worst non-mimeographed and/or locally Church-published newspapers - isn't running obnoxious, stiflingly-ignorant clickbait pieces "taking down" film criticism (oh, I'll get to that one, be patient;) it's apparently giving platforms to the shambling, somehow still-animated Old Money ghouls of New York Past. Because someone has to.

One of these frightening yet pathetic creatures, Dorothy Rabinowitz, has taken some time from what one must assume is a strict regimen of draining life-sustaining essence via eye-contact with unlucky errant Central Park dogs to offer a hilariously tone-deaf (in the "do these people HEAR themselves!?") screed against NYC's new Bike Sharing installations.Whatever she was hoping to accomplish here, it's effect on me is sudden desperate hope for a sequel to "Premium Rush" with somebody fun (is Mary Woronov still working?) as an extra-villainous version of this lady.


Snapped and tweeted by LaMovieBuff at a convention in Puerto Rico is a photo that, if I were the head of marketing for Warner Bros, would be purchased and readied to be slapped on every "Man of Steel" puff-piece set to hit Time-Warner's various magazine and news outlets over the next two weeks.

This. This image right here. This is the real, pure, true, good thing underneath all the obscene corporate/commercial bloat surrounding a movie like this (or "Avengers," or "Pacific Rim," or whatever.) And it's also the literalization of my central question regarding "Man of Steel" and WB's still shakily-uncertain DC Universe plans in general: Will they be worthy of the awe this kid is investing in just the poster? And if not, then why are they bothering to make these at all?

I hope I like this movie, but I really hope this kid likes this movie.